Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Doctors said my daughter would never smile - but now she never stops

                              Abbi Shearer from Anfield pictured with her daughter Evie-Kate aged 3
Evie Kate Shearer was less than a year old when mum Abbi was told a rare condition meant her little girl would never smile, talk, walk or have any quality of life.
Determined not to give up on her daughter, the 24-year-old went home and Googled the condition -SMARD - spinal muscular atrophy respiratory distress.
And Abbi, from Liverpool, was encouraged when she found a little boy living in London who had exactly the same.
“He’d had a tracheostomy fitted and portable ventilator to allow him to breathe, and he was happily living at home,” Abbi told the Liverpool Echo .
.“So I printed everything out, made myself a little folder and I took it to the consultants and said ‘I’ve found this child, this is what I want for mine.’”

              Evie-Kate Shearer, from Anfield, aged-three
Evie-Kate Shearer suffers from spinal muscular atrophy respiratory distress
Three months later, as Evie was wheeled out of theatre, she’d not only survived the surgery, she was smiling.
“Actually, even though she was meant to be sedated, Evie being Evie came back wide-eyed and laughing her head off!” smiles her mum, “even though her condition means she shouldn’t have any use of her facial muscles, she should be able to blink and that’s it.
“They told me she’d probably never speak or even make a sound, but three hours after the operation as I was sitting holding her hand she looked up at me with these big blue eyes and said ‘mama.’ It was the first time she’d spoken and she’d literally just come out of life-saving surgery.
“I was sobbing all over intensive care. The doctors were astounded by her, she’s just a miracle.”
When Evie was born in April 2013 at the Women’s Hospital , she was a healthy baby but at eight months she contracted bronchiolitis RSV and Abbi had to take her to Alder Hey. Within 12 hours she’d deteriorated so badly she was put into in an induced coma and on a ventilator. Three days later she suffered a cardiac arrest and had to be resuscitated with adrenaline.
“Consultants told me there was a slim chance of her coming round and talked about turning off the ventilator but I refused. Within two more days she opened her eyes and brought herself out of the coma.”

Evie’s lungs had collapsed and she had a hole in her lung which they thought would need open chest surgery, but after her medication was gradually reduced further examination showed the hole had repaired itself.
Although her lungs had taken a battering while she was on the oscillator, Abbi hoped her baby had turned a corner. “But then in February 2014 I went in one morning and noticed her arms were just limp and flopped down when I picked her up.”
A full body scan revealed her diaphragm was completely frozen. SMARD, a rare genetic illness, was diagnosed and it was then Abbi was warned her little girl would basically be trapped in a shell, never able to smile, talk, walk or have any quality of life.
In fact it was only because she was on a ventilator with the bronchiolitis that her life was saved because when her diaphragm stopped working, the ventilator took over. “It was a one in a million chance,” says Abbi. “If she hadn’t got the chest infection, it could have happened when we were out shopping and I’d have lost her there and then.”
Having discovered the boy on the internet who had a tracheostomy and portable ventilator, Abbi was determined Evie would have the same, even when doctors feared her lungs may be so scarred they wouldn’t cope with ventilation.
“I said ‘I don’t care, I’m going to fight tooth and nail for this because I’m not leaving without her’.”
On May 29, Evie underwent surgery. “They said she might not pull through the operation, but I said ‘if I lose her at least I know I’ve tried my best for her.’ The wait for her to come out was horrendous, I couldn’t describe it, but when she did the feeling was unbelievable.”

The pair spent the next six months in ICU while Abbi and her mum and dad were trained on the life support equipment, and in March 2015 after 15 months living at Alder Hey, Evie was finally allowed home. “I’d decorated her room in bright colours, so even though we had the life support machine it was still a little girl’s room because that’s what she deserved.”
In fact, Abbi has been so determined to give Evie as normal a life as possible, she enrolled her at Millstead school, off Scotland Road, where the three-year-old has proved a star pupil. “She’s got full brain activity and she’s so bright, we’ve had to make a special plan for her,” smiles Abbi proudly.
Eye Gaze technology allows her to operate a computer using just her eyes, and with physio from Abbi she’s gained some movement in her right arm, enough to enable her to play games on an ipad using a button.
She’s got lots of vocabulary now and can even nod her head.
With carers at home to allow her to sleep, Abbi has devoted her life to Evie, spending days singing, painting and playing games. “I take her to the park on the swings. I put her in with the life support machine, then I sit and watch her SATs to make sure she’s OK. Why shouldn’t she be able to do that like any little girl?”
Evie has respite care at Zoe’s Place Hospice which, says Abbi, has been a godsend. “The staff in there are amazing, they give her so much attention and do absolutely everything with her. They treat her like a little queen.”
Abbi doesn’t know what the future holds for Evie; how long they’ll have together. “It could end tomorrow, or next week, or it could be 10 years,” she says. “She’s gone against everything that’s been expected so we just don’t know, but I’m fully accepting that I’m not going to have her forever. I just take every day as a bonus.”

Source: UKMirror

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