Friday, January 29, 2016

See what MASSOB group plans to do in some south East state

                             Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra   
The leader of the  Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief Solomon Chukwu reportedly announced the group will open liaison offices in South-east states and Niger-Delta,
He said “We are opening liaison offices in all cities, regions and states of the Biafran territory. We need to acquaint MASSOB members with what we are doing, we don’t want violence. We don’t want to lose anybody or shed blood in the name of Biafra.”

Chukwu also said “We have fought civil war and many people died; but in this era, we will achieve Biafra through non violence. What we are doing now is to continue to state our complaints to the European Union, African Union and other international unions. “
“We need freedom. Some of them have said a referendum should be conducted in Nigeria, but we know that those who have been sabotaging Biafra are still at work. We won’t be deterred because Biafra is at hand. I’m happy the people of the former Eastern region now understand themselves and are working together to actualize Biafra,” the MASSOB leader added.
He also accused some politicians of betraying the cause, adding that the group can never be stopped.

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