Thursday, February 18, 2016

Boy aged 15 executed by ISIS for listening to Western pop music

File photo - ISIS has executed at least ten of its own militants on charges of high treason in Mosul
ISIS has once again showed its bloodthirsty depravity by executing an innocent 15-year-old boy - for listening to western pop music.
The terrified teenager, named by Kurdish media as Ayham Hussein, was beheaded in Mosul, the terror group's Iraqi stronghold, after ISIS scum found him listening to a CD player
The boy was sitting inside a shop owned by his father in an open air market in the west of the city when the killers swooped.
They savagely beat him and took him to a sharia court, where he was sentenced to be executed, reports
ARA News.
"The boy was executed by beheading in a town square in the centre of the city," a source said.
“There was no formal decision by the Sharia Court that ban listening to western music,” the source said, adding this was the first case of its kind to be documented in Mosul.

Residents of Mosul were furious at the merciless and despicable act and staged a protest at the boy's family home.
Under Islamic State's twisted interpretation of Islam, music is banned, except for unaccompanied chants called nasheeds, asthe use of musical instruments is prohibited.
When ISIS took Raqqa in Syria, they released a statement saying: "Songs and music are forbidden in Islam, as they prevent one from the remembrance of God and the Koran and are a temptation and corruption of the heart."

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