Thursday, February 18, 2016

Incredible boiling-hot river is discovered in the Amazon

Incredible boiling-hot river is discovered in the Amazon
A Boiling River with the heat to cook people alive has been revealed in the Amazon.
The river in Mayantuyacu, Peru has been found by geoscientist Andrés Ruzo who followed up on what was thought to be a legend because science says it shouldn't exist .
And when he finally laid his own eyes on it, he says that he was astonished.
Ruzo's fascination with the Boiling River stems from a story his grandfather told him when he was just 12 years old.

The tale was of the Spanish conquistadors who went deep into the Amazon after slaying the last Inca emperor, seeking gold.
Although few came back from the forest, those who did described poison in the water, snakes which could devour humans, starvation, disease, and a river which appeared to boils as if heated from below.

As a PhD student in geophysics at Southern Methodist University, he worked on creating the first geothermal map of Peru, including the Amazon.

Although his scientific knowledge told him that the geothermal heat to create a Boiling River was impossible on a site so far from any active volcanoes, he kept searching, and it paid off.
In a Ted talk, Ruzo said that he heard his aunt mention the river again and believed he was close.
"I began asking that question. Could the Boiling River exist?" Ruzo said in a Ted Talk.
"I asked colleagues from universities, the government, oil, gas and mining companies, and the answer was a unanimous no.

"And this makes sense. You see, Boiling Rivers do exist in the world, but they're generally associated with volcanoes. You need a powerful heat source to produce such a large geothermal manifestation.
"Telling this same story at a family dinner, my aunt tells me, 'But no, Andrés, I've been there. I've swum in that river."
On a hike into the jungle in 2011, he discovered a four mile 'Boiling River' in the sacred geothermal healing site of the Asháninka people.
It's 25m wide and 6m deep and is reportedly hot enough to make a cuppa.

"Dipping my hand into the river would give me third-degree burns in less than half a second," Ruzo told .
"Falling in could easily kill me."
Explaining the phenomenon, Ruzo says: "As we have hot blood running through our veins and arteries, so, too, the Earth has hot water running through its cracks and faults."
But although it's a natural phenomenon, it's difficult for the species who have made the area its home, says Ruzo.

"I've seen all sorts of animals fall in, and what's shocking to me, is the process is pretty much the same.
"So they fall in and the first thing to go are the eyes. Eyes, apparently, cook very quickly. They turn this milky-white color. The stream is carrying them.
"They're trying to swim out, but their meat is cooking on the bone because it's so hot. So they're losing power, losing power, until finally they get to a point where hot water goes into their mouths and they cook from the inside out."

Now Ruzo's published a book, The Boiling River: Adventure and Discovery in the Amazon, to help shine a light on the river - and the need to preserve it in the face of logging practices which could be a threat.
"In the middle of my PhD, I realized, this river is a natural wonder,' Ruzo told Gizmodo . "And it's not going to be around unless we do something about it."

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