Sophia Skill consumed the lithium battery - the size of a 10p - while playing in the front room of her home.
She was rushed to hospital , where medics discovered corrosive acid from the object had burned a hole in her lung.
The toddler was placed on life support for six days, underwent emergency surgery and had a drain fitted in her small chest.
She was forced to spend a total of two months recovering in hospital before eventually returning to her South Yorkshire home.
Today, Sophie's mother described the horrific moment she realised her young daughter had swallowed something dangerous.
"She was crying excessively like I had never heard before, and she was holding the back of her neck," Clare Skill said.
"My heart was beating so fast."
Clare, 31, rushed her daughter to Sheffield Children's Hospital, where an X-ray showed she had swallowed a small lithium battery.
The battery came from a pack the full-time mother had bought because her husband, Wayne Skill, needed to replace a battery in his car fob.
"She's obviously managed to get hold of one in the packet, it was brand new and hadn't been used," said Clare, who also has a 14-year-old daughter, Tiffany.
"I had no idea she had swallowed a battery. I knew she had swallowed something because she was holding the back of her neck as if something was stuck, but I didn't see anything go into her mouth.
"It wasn't until we got to hospital we found out what it was. As soon as we got to hospital they did an X-ray, about 10 minutes after we got there, and that's when we realised."
Within two hours of arriving at hospital, Sophie was undergoing an emergency operation to have the object removed.
"As soon as they knew what it was, it all became much more urgent," Clare said.
"Everything was going through my mind at that point, how did she get hold of it, what's going to happen, is she going to be alright?
"Honestly my heart was beating so fast, my heart was in my mouth, it was awful, really awful.
"It was just awful, the worst feeling ever, not knowing if she will be alright or what they are going to do.
"The acid burned through her oesophagus and then it burned though her lung as well.
"Within two hours of swallowing it the battery had already done the damage, it had already burnt through.
"Her lung had deflated and there was loads of air and fluid inside there."
During the surgery, the battery was successfully removed from Sophie's food pipe.
But because the inflamed area around the child's throat had swollen over, doctors were unable to immediately detect a hole caused by the caustic acid.
A second X-ray revealed that a hole in the youngster's throat was showing signs of infection - and also, shockingly, that the acid had burned through her lung.
Sophie, from Sheffield, was immediately rushed to intensive care, where medics put in a chest drain and put her on a ventilator to help her breathe.
Clare said: "I was just so scared, thinking the worst.
"After a week, she had a CT scan and it showed the hole wasn't healing and was in fact getting bigger because the acid was continuing to corrode her oesophagus."
Sophie was sent to theatre again, with surgeon Sean Marven fitting a special 'T' tube from the hole to her stomach to drain fluid out of her body.
Tissue was taken from Sophie's side and put around the hole to allow it to heal.
The toddler was then put on life support for six days.
Clare said: "She was put under general anaesthetic at least eight times during her eight weeks in hospital.
"She was ventilated six times and spent three weeks in intensive care. It was petrifying seeing her like that.
"She was in pain, and I just wanted so much for her to be better. I realise now that if it wasn't for Mr Marven putting that 'T' tube in, she wouldn't be here today."
Sophie, who swallowed the battery in July, was finally discharged in September after her throat healed.
She now has to take an alkaline tablet each day, but has no lasting damage.
Clare said: "She is fantastic now, running around like nothing ever happened. She is a really happy little girl, and is looking forward to celebrating her third birthday next month."
Sophie's family want to warn parents of the dangers of button batteries.
They have launched a major fundraising campaign to say thank you to the Sheffield Children's Hospital specialists who kept her alive.
"They were excellent, absolutely fantastic," said Clare.
"Things could have gone so different its not worth thinking about and I'm so pleased that we had fantastic surgeons.
"I really want to make other parents aware of the implications of what can happen if your child gets hold of one of these batteries. I had no idea of the dangers, but now if I ever see one again it will be too soon."
Wayne, a tyre fitter, added: "By fundraising we want to help in any way we can, to repay them for what they have done for Sophie, because if it wasn't for them she wouldn't be here."
Sophie's grandfather, John Johnson, is hoping to lead 100 kind-hearted walkers on a Five Peak Challenge in June to raise money for The Children's Hospital Charity.
So far, 25 people have signed up, but John hopes the number will rise to 100.
John said: "Sophie had so many mountains to climb in her treatment, so we wanted to do something that would represent that and present a challenge for us."
The money they raise will help the charity's Make it Better new wing appeal.
Source: Mirror UK
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