Sunday, February 7, 2016

The latest WhatsApp update will make you want to disable your iPhone's notifications

WhatsApp has announced it is increasing the amount of people that can take part in a group chat .
Previously the Facebook-owned messaging service would cap the amount of participants to 100 members.
But now it's extended that to a whopping 256 people .

If you've got 256 friends you want to talk to, you can add them all to the same group and share the banter. You might just want to turn off notifications first.
The update is being rolled out today and is available for both the iOS and Android versions of WhatsApp. Unfortunately, Windows Phone and BlackBerry versions appear to have been left behind.
WhatsApp recently confirmed it now has over a billion users worldwide and roughly 42 billion messages are sent each day.
The group chat feature can lead to some amusing situations though - such as when a cheeky lad decides to add all his ex-girlfriends to the same chat to wish them a happy Christmas .

There's also a way to check which members of the group have read your message and which haven't - and it's got nothing to do with the blue ticks.
Here's how to do it on Android:
  1. Do a long press on a message sent by you
  2. This reveals an "i" with a circle around it
  3. Tapping on it shows you who the message was delivered to, and read by
And here's how to do it on iOS:
  1. Open a chat
  2. Swipe your message from right to left
  3. See delivery and read notifications

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