The frail 27-year-old today reveals how she begged for tests after finding changes in her breasts only to be sent away with anti-anxiety medication.
Now, in the cruelest case of history repeating itself, the brave young woman who fought in vain for a chance to live, is following her mum to an early grave.
“I feel they have taken my life away from me and I now have a death sentence,” says Laura. “They have sentenced me to the battle my mum had.”
She says: “Cancer does not pick and choose age. I believe if they had caught my cancer a year before they did, it would not be terminal at this point.”
And this is a battle Laura cannot win. By the time she was referred for scans, her breast cancer had developed to stage three, and later spread throughout her chest and to her spine, ovaries and brain. Just like it did with her 42-year-old mother Janet, who died when Laura was just 11 after an eight-year fight for life.
Cuddling up to her beloved Sam Vickery, 27, brave Laura says: “I can only hope I do it with as much grace, and love and humour as Mum did.
“This is a very different path to the one I would have chosen. But it is what I have been given. We will fight this and I will try and get through each day, however ill I am, with as much joy and laughter – and as many inappropriate jokes – as I can.”
Her childhood was dominated by her mother’s ill-health. Now she is reliving it in the worst way possible.
“I remember her losing her hair, and being very poorly,” she recalls. “She had both breasts removed, there was an oxygen machine in the house, she was weak and on the sofa. It was scary. I was a mummy’s girl and she was my everything. I even remember trying on her fake boobs.
“There wasn’t the trips out. We were always at home, but I remember that feeling of love. She would read to me. We would snuggle.”
For a brief time Janet seemed to have beaten her cancer, but then it returned in her chest, and ovaries.
The last time Laura saw her was in a hospital bed “not making much sense because of the drugs.” She remembers how much her dad, Clifford, suffered. “It was years of living a life they had no control of. Like us now,” she whispers, turning to Sam. “Always knowing that was how she would die.”
It is not surprising that Laura, now dependant on regular morphine shots for the debilitating pain, checked her breasts from a young age.
But before she could do anything about it, in October 2012, she noticed changes in her left breast.
Laura, now living in the village of Bradford on Avon, near Bath, visited her GP at the University Health Service.
“My nipple had changed, it had become red and blotchy. I was also having pain,” she says. “I said about my mum, and my great aunt who died of breast cancer, but her message was I was far too young to get breast cancer and I was probably suffering anxiety because of Mum’s death. I got very upset, I said the changes were real.”
Giving up on persuading her GP to refer her for a scan, Laura says she asked for tests. But again, she was told she was too young – even though her mum was diagnosed at just 32.
“She gave me anti-anxiety medication,” says Laura.
Two months later she was back – again her GP insisted it was anxiety, but this time she was referred to a genetic counsellor at Southampton General Hospital.
Laura attended the appointment in February 2013. “It was the most horrific experience of my life,” she says. “I was there almost two hours saying please test me, or send me for a scan or mammogram or something. And she was saying it was all down to my unresolved issues with my mum’s passing.
“I cried and begged for her to believe it was not just in my head. She suggested counselling. She said if, by the end, I still felt the same we they would think of doing a test. I came out battered.”
It was seven months before Laura even received a letter about the counselling. Two weeks later, in October 2013, she felt two lumps in her left breast.
This time her GP sent her for scans. Four lumps were found. It was one year since she had first sought help.
Two weeks later Laura was told she had stage three breast cancer. Chemotherapy had to begin immediately.
“I was numb,” is all she can recall. “We were in this awful dingy room. Dad was crying.” Breaking down Sam says: “I was devastated, then I think I went into emergency mode. Her dad was crying his eyes out and I was trying to help him. I’ve tried to take control.”
Sam adds: “She tried to tell me to walk away but I never will. From the day we met we have been inseparable. Doubt never creeps in. I look at this as a long term illness which we will keep battling. Laura is everything to me.”
Laura’s cancer is believed to be hereditary, although when she was genetically tested for the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes after her diagnosis the test was clear.
There are other genes which are believed to increase the risk of cancer, but tests have not yet been developed to detect them. Laura tackled her relentless treatment head-on, determined to complete her degree, despite the sickness, fatigue, a mastectomy, and complete hair loss.
Her determination paid off. On her last day of radiotherapy in July 2014 she staggered to her graduation ceremony. She was later told the cancer had gone.
Life started to look up. Laura began working in mental health last year, where she met fellow worker Sam. But after just a month of dating last summer, she fell ill. The cancer was back and had spread to her ovaries, spine and chest. It has since spread to her brain, too.
Laura, Sam and her father were told treatment could only prolong her life.
Sam is now her full-time carer, administering morphine shots to the woman he should have grown old with. Laura says: “I want to make sure any person, of any age, has the chance to be tested if they feel they should be. We all have a right to know if we are ill. You should not have to battle to get a diagnosis.
“I feel my life could have been completely different if they had listened to me. I do not want to know how long I have. I have to keep battling. I have Mum in my mind.”
She and Sam have moved into their first home, a property owned by her dad. Laura does not have the strength to decorate, but chooses colours. On Christmas Day, Sam proposed. “Our wedding is planned for October 22. We have so much to be grateful for. We found each other,” she says.
Despite chemo and radiotherapy, and hormone therapy, she is confident she will make it. “I’m going wedding dress shopping. It will be white, but probably not conventional,” she laughs. “It’s a journey we are going on together.”
A University Health Service spokesman said: “We take all allegations of this nature very seriously and have launched a full investigation. We urge the patient to contact us as soon as possible.”
The University Hospital Southampton Trust said: “The role of our genetics service is to investigate if there might be an inherited explanation behind diagnoses, not to provide cancer diagnostics. We would like to offer Laura our support at such a difficult time.”
Source: Mirror
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