Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Cruel Pastor Butchered His Wife ( Graphic Photo )

This is the wicked and chilling story of a pastor who killed
his wife over practically no issue.
The story which was narrated by one Chris Anyanwu, shows
how horrible some some people can be.
Read Anyanwu's account below:
The story of Pastor Mark and his unfortunate wife Perpetua
Udoka dates back to February 2000. Udoka who commenced
a bright career in banking in a small town called Ogbaku near
Owerri in Imo State innocently confided in a brother in the
church who incidentally was the leader of the prayer squad
of their local church at a time.
She solicited for the face of God concerning her proposals
from three suitors who were seriously asking for her hand in
marriage, a medical doctor, a fellow banker and a public
servant. Her genuine intention was for this brother to join
hands with her to seek for God's intervention to enable her
make the very best of decision. Unknown to her, she had just
had a date with the very devil she's intending to avoid.
Pastor Mark who was supposedly expected to hear from God
for onward transmission to Udoka could not help but
fraudulently take advantage of the situation. In his criminal
revelation to sister Udoka who waited earnestly for the
solemn voice of God, he quietly muted in such a shameless
display of authority weeks after that God has changed
"Initially, the banker was the one, but God has seen that
marrying him won't allow you serve him the way he wants you
to and so he changed it." he said.
Who then is the one? Your curiosity is as high as mine. In his
tactical measure of deceit, summoning the guts and clearing
the air to weed off suspicion, he replied "I'm sure it will be
difficult for you to accept, but certainly God has spoken" I'm the
For Udoka's family, it was a no no particularly considering
pastor Mark's educational background and social status.
What does the young man do for a living? How does he
intend to sustain a family, How will he cope with the family
members and all sort of questions made the choice process
a herculean task for Udoka. But for her, since God has
supposedly spoken, she would be sure she's making the right
choice and to cut the long story short, her families were
convinced. They all came out supported and fully sponsored
the wedding ceremony.
Unknown to Udoka, the biggest attraction was her lucrative
career at the time. Just within a space of twenty months, a
car was bought, a landed property and a shop was paid for
all in the name of the husband Pastor Mark Chukwudi Etiti.
Udoka built a house for her Pastor husband on bank loan.
She did a lot both for the husband's family and the husband
himself on loans including borrowing money on behalf of the
husband to the extent that repayments become a serious
challenge and she ultimately lost the bank job.
It became a pitiable situation better imagined, after she lost
her job. Udoka became a punching bag. On many occasions,
the mother in-law will come all the way from the village to
order Udoka out of the very house she built. Udoka had
sustained various degrees of injuries inflicted on her by the
same husband she picked from the gutters. She was
hospitalized severally. The mother in-law had once
threatened that it is either Udoka leaves the son alive or the
deceased body will be carted away like nobody and her
threat came to pass after all. Udoka's thirteen year old
daughter had once reported to the police of how the father
had bitten the mum to stupor on the fear that the mum was
The first brutal cutlass injuries on Udoka were recorded in
2013. This time, Udoka's family thought it was indeed
enough. The matter was formally taken to the Criminal
Investigation Department (CID) of the Nigerian Police in
Owerri, who documented the evidences, detained the pastor
and later released him.
The family has actually concluded plans to forcefully
relocate her and her children after so many refusals from her
before the brutal murder of Udoka by the same man who she
gave three beautiful children.
One of their daughter, talking about the murder said: "On that
faithful day, My mummy in her usual manner, woke up around
5.00am,got us ready for school, gave us our food, asked me to
take my younger sister to her school and return the key to her
in the church, while she left for our church early morning prayer
session. I finished dressing up and told my daddy who was in
his room that I'm off to school. He asked me to lock the gate
to our house from outside and I asked why and he shouted me
down. I did exactly that and returned the key to my mum in the
church. I went back to my mummy's shop around 1:00pm and
could not meet her in the shop. That was unusual knowing fully
well when we usually come back from school. I called her line
and she was not picking. I asked her neighbors and they said
she told them my daddy called her. I then took my siblings
along to the house.
"On getting to the house, every place looked deserted. We
usually access the house through the kitchen door, but that
faithful day, the kitchen door was locked. I called my dad to ask
him if he has seen mummy. He asked me where we are and I
said we are at home and the doors were all locked. Within 2
minutes, daddy appeared. Unusual of daddy, he decided to
follow the back door instead of the usual front kitchen door and
asked me to stay outside. I could not comprehend my father's
body language and I quickly followed him and went straight to
my mum's room while he made his way to his room. The sight
of flowing blood in mummy's room got me more frightened and
when I shouted blood, my dad ran straight to the kitchen where
my mum's body was used to block the kitchen door, the same
door my daddy strategically avoided on entering the compound.
I later saw my mum's phone near the kitchen window with my
daddy's 3 missed calls on the phone.
"My mother does not owe anybody. My mum does not have any
problem with anybody. My daddy has always been chasing us
about with cutlass all the time. He has severally threatened to
kill mummy and her people won't do anything. The last time, I
thought my mummy was dead when she was brutally beaten
with cutlass by my daddy and blood was gushing like water. I
called my uncle and he was not responding. I then went to
police to report him and he was arrested. Two days before he
killed mummy, I saw him from the bathroom cutting the ceiling
of our house. The following morning, I heard him telling my
mother that armed robbers came to the house and that the
entered through the ceiling. He was showing mummy the note
he claimed they brought which read "Pastor Mark be careful,
this is to tell you we can come and go".
"I told mummy that I saw dad cutting that place two days back
and was not done by any armed robber. I told mummy we
should go to my anti's place that dad is up to something but
mummy refused. Now look at where she has brought us to.
Daddy has simply fulfilled his wish and God will judge him," she
Answering to the Imo state Police Command who has
gathered all their evidences and have charge him to court,
the unrepentant pastor murderer insisted that nobody can
ever tolerate his kind of wife. According to him, he said he's
not sure any super man can live with his wife for the number
of years he did.
Pastor Mark who is cooling off in the prison and waiting for
the judgment day is known for machete violence. He
consistently boasted of how he had chopped off somebody's
arm back in his village for insulting the mother. He severally
inflicted cutlass injuries on the late father's body and has
constantly chased his sister away from the house with
cutlass. Like the proverbial saying that he that kills with
cutlass shall die through the cutlass, will that be Pastor Mark
Chukwudi Etiti's lot. This is left to the Nigeria Judicial
system and the Nigeria Police.

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