Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Why You Should Never Throw Away Orange or Banana Peels

Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of
the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are
many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange
and banana peels that aren't known by many. So, next
time you think about throwing away one of these peels,
you may want to remember this information.
It's always a good idea to minimize pesticide levels by
choosing organic oranges. Oranges tend to be grown
with lower pesticide usage than most fruits but a good
cleaning with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1
tablespoon of white vinegar in 1 cup of water will
remove almost any pesticide with ease.
An Orange's peel and apple's skin are similar because
most of the nutrients are in the skin of these fruits.
According to Rebecca Wood, author of The New Whole
Foods Encyclopedia, "One medium orange contains
over 60 flavonoids and 170 different phytonutrients."
They are good for your skin, your system and your
home too. Dr. Jaishree Bhattacharjee, Ayurvedic
consultant with Satvikshop helps us find out it's
different uses.
Medicinal Properties of Orange Peels
As per Ayurveda, orange peel is tikta (bitter) and it
improves digestion and can speed up your metabolism.
It helps to naturally beat gas, heartburn, vomiting and
acidic eructation. It's also great to perk up your
appetite and relieve nausea.
Due to its pacifying properties, orange peel powder
helps dissolve phlegm in respiratory systems, alleviate
coughs, and asthma.
Most of the beneficiary aspects of orange peels come
from their essential oils, which have anti-microbial and
anti-inflammatory properties. Essential oil "d-limonene"
has the ability to defuse stomach acids and maintain
normal intestinal movements. It also promotes normal
liver function.
Studies have shown that orange peel can dissolve
cholesterol and triglyceride. That means consumption
of an orange peel can benefit obese people who have
high cholesterol levels. It has a flavonoid known as
hesperidine, which is said to be effective against colon
cancer and osteoporosis.
Essential oils from orange peels are sedative in nature
so it makes them great for calming nerves and
inducing sleep. Use orange peels in baths or simmer in
a pot to uplifting your mood or to beat insomnia
Beauty Properties of Orange Peels
Rub some orange peels on your skin gently if you have
oily skin. Oily skin responds well to application of
orange peels. It helps balance the skin's oil and makes
your skin smoother and softer.
Dried orange peel beads can act as a natural exfoliator
by removing dead cells and blackheads gently and
Orange peels help in removing dark spots and
Due to its cleansing, anti inflammatory, anti bacterial
and antifungal properties, it works well against pimples
and acne.
To remove damp or musky odor your house and fill it
with beautiful fragrance, boil a few peels in water and
maybe add some clove or cinnamon.
Orange Peels in Cooking
If you use organic peels in cooking the orange zest can
enhance the taste and flavour of many dishes.
Dried orange peels can absorb humidity from brown
sugar. Just place half a peel in the bag.
Candy made with orange peels can improve your
appetite and the vitamin c in them protects you by
boosting your immune system.
Like oranges, make sure you use organic banana peels
to reduce your exposure to pesticide levels and you
may even want to try the wash described above
Banana peels are full of antioxidants, minerals, and
vitamins, so they can naturally cure many ailments and
can aid cell regeneration. Here are just a few uses if
you know more please comment some in the comment
section on the bottom of this article:
Water Filtration
Research shows they have a capacity to absorb lead
and copper from water.
Bug Bites
Just rub a banana peel on a bug bite to soothe the
skin and reduce the itch.
With regenerative properties, banana peel can speed up
the healing of bruises.
Teeth Whitening
Rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth for a
couple of minutes every other day, and your teeth
could be noticeably whiter in a few weeks.
Banana peels help eliminate warts and prevent their
return. Tape or some how strap a piece of banana peel
to the wart overnight for about a week or rub the
banana peel on the affected area daily. This can also
work for plantar warts. A potato skin has been known
to be able to do the same thing.
Scrapes and Scratches
Rub a banana peel on small cuts or scratches and it
can help promote healing.
The enzymes help dislodge the splinter and can help
kick-start the healing process if you tape a piece of
the peel over a splinter for a couple hours.
A banana peel can soothe the inflammation and
irritation of acne. It also helps to prevent future
outbreaks. Rub a peel over the acne every night. You
should see a positive change within a few days.
Once or twice a day, try rubbing a banana peel on a
psoriasis-affected area. Bananas have properties to
reduce itchiness, moisturize, and heal psoriasis. You
should see noticeable differences in a few days.
Rashes and Itches
Poison ivy, mild rashes, dry skin, irritated skin and even
sunburn. Banana peel is good for relieving itch and
promotes healing of the skin. Rub the peel over the
rash or affected are twice daily until it is gone. If you
notice it getting worse you should see a professional.
Simply take the banana peel and spread it out across
your forehead and relax while the nutrients are
absorbed into your skin.
Regularly applying banana peel to your forehead, face
or cheeks can tighten the skin, shrink pores and reduce
Banana peels are great for polishing. After removing
the stringy parts from the peel, rub away and watch
the shine.

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